Delver Modding Handbook Wiki
Description Contains all data for dungeons
Location assets\data\Dungeons.dat

"Dungeons.dat" is a data file. It defines all properties of the dungeon levels.




Name Item SubClass Description
dungeonLevel integer The difficulty of the level. Affects monster strength, experience and item drops.
levelName uppercase string The name that shows up when the player enters the level, and on the save screen
darkness integer Not used
fogStart float Distance in tiles that the fog starts being visible around the player
fogEnd float Distance that the fog becomes completely solid
fogColor { r:1.0,g:1.0,b:1.0 } Color of the fog
skyLightColor { r:1.0,g:1.0,b:1.0 } Sky tiles in the level will emit this light color
viewDistance float How far from the player the level will be rendered. Beyond that it will render the sky
theme string The theme that defines which monsters appear, and from which folder to load the rooms.
generated boolean Whether the level is randomly generated, or if it uses a pre-made level
wallPainter { "tile id": [tile id, ...], ... } Automatically changes the specified wall tile to a random tile
floorPainter { "tile id": [tile id, ...], ... } Automatically changes the specified wall tile to a random tile
ceilPainter { "tile id": [tile id, ...], ... } Automatically changes the specified wall tile to a random tile
levelFileName string What level to load in the case that "generated" is false
skybox { meshFile: "", textureFile: "" } Apparently doesn't work
music string The music that plays while in this dungeon
actionMusic string The music that plays if the player has the orb
ambientSound string Looping sound that plays while in this level
ambientSoundVolume string Volume of the ambient sound
spawnRates { monsters: 1.0, lights: 1.0, loot: 1.0, decor: 1.0 } Controls how often level Markers spawn their objects. 1.0 = all the time, 0.0 = none of the time